We have opened the doors of our company to the students of the D20 Leader to introduce them to our Management 2.0.
In June we opened the doors of our company to about twenty university students from all over Italy and participants in the D20 Leader project. The purpose? Show our production and present our Management 2.0 know-how.
D20 Leader of Fondirigenti to create the managers of the future
D20 Leader is a training course centered on the skills required by companies to cope with the transformations taking place in the economic-productive system. It provides:
- training with study tours in the places of innovation
- direct training experience in the business environment
It is precisely in the second point that our company comes into play, chosen as a stop on the study tour carried out as part of the project.
What we are experiencing is a period of great change on the industrial side, marked by strong pushes towards sustainability on the one hand and digital innovation on the other, and those who will soon have to enter the world of work need to experience first-hand what it’s happening.
The path began at Smact of Padua, then moving to the Shoe Polytechnic of the Riviera del Brenta, one of the most important centers in the sector at European level, and to HIM Co, one of the large footwear companies in the district. On the second day of the study tour, the group of students met Giacomo Sarti, aerospace engineer and young manager and plant manager of De Angeli Prodotti. The 20 young people selected by Fondirigenti, during the tour, discovered the importance of the word “transformation“.

What is Management 2.0?
Wikipedia reports the following definition:: “While traditional project management structures focused on the paradigm of the project manager as controller, Project management 2.0 stresses the concept of distributed collaboration, and the project manager as a leader. Project management 2.0 advocates open communication. While traditional project management often was driven by formal reporting and hierarchical structures, project management 2.0 stresses the need for access to information for the whole team.”
Management 2.0 and collaborative environment: the example of De Angeli Prodotti
In our company, for several years we have already activated several Kaizen yards and we spread the lean philosophy with different mixed groups working on A3-T, applying continuous improvement. In addition, in all departments, many of the roles of responsibility are entrusted to young people as a symbol of trust.
The D20 Leader guys were able to touch a 2.0 business management style. A style that rewards a collaborative and non-authoritarian work environment, which thanks to open spaces makes communications unlimited and makes everyone participate in the change.
The students gave their best with a strong interest shown with precise technical and managerial questions:
- “How have you dealt with past economic crises?”
- “With a Tailor-Made approach, i.e. creating tailor-made solutions to solve customer needs!”
- “What does a manager give priority to?”
- “A good manager plays ahead: foresees problems and anticipates actions to solve them!”
Our Plant Manager chosen as man of the week!
With great pride and satisfaction, our plant manager Giacomo Sarti was awarded the title of “character of the week” by the group of students of the D20 because he taught them that:
“It is necessary to know how to be part of the change, without taking refuge in the logic of «It has always been done» but being promoters of change and putting it into action.” – Giacomo Sarti (Plant Manager of De Angeli Prodotti)