The installation of new vertical enamelling machines for aluminum confirm the constant desire for innovation and improvement that characterizes our company.

De Angeli Prodotti is considered a European leader in the production and marketing of aluminum winding wires. From our foundation to now, the enameled aluminum production has been the element that has always characterized us, for the quality of the product and the ability to innovate, proposing solutions in advance, making the aluminum an inseparable part of our company’s history.
It was, in fact, the time to give us reason, turning the enamelled aluminum use from a pioneering venture, in which few believed, to a well-established reality. Thanks to our experience and our know-how, we can now boast the largest share in enamelled aluminum market: it is a result that makes us proud of our history, of our technological evolution and of our ability.
Even today we are determined to maintain and develop this leadership, constantly expanding our horizons, in order to evolve and continually renew our history, with particular attention to the sustainability of our work.

The installation of new vertical enamelling machines for aluminum, metal to which we are always deeply attached, confirm the constant desire for innovation and improvement that characterizes De Angeli Prodotti.
The new generation enamelling machines have many advantages:
- Low emissions: thanks to the latest technologies available in the market and the careful design of the manufacturer, the ambient emissions are very low (-25%), drastically reducing the environmental impact of the production process
- Increased quality in the finished product: the union between the years of experience in the field of enamelling from De Angeli Prodotti’s technicians, and the know-how of the new plants supplier, enables us to propose on the market with more and better quality products
- Increased productivity: the special geometry adopted, increase the production performance by increasing overall productivity (+50% estimated)
- Energy efficiency: the careful analysis and the choice of the best insulation systems and the control of internal flows in the enamelling machines allows to minimize the energy consumption