De Angeli Prodotti attended Tagungsgesellschaft mbH Energie Forum Netzbau und Netzbetrieb, exhibition in Stuttgart in May and had the opportunity to meet all its German partners and clients.

De Angeli Prodotti attended Tagungsgesellschaft mbH Energie Forum Netzbau und Netzbetrieb, exhibition in Stuttgart in May and had the opportunity to meet all its German partners and clients.
The main subject of interest has been the presentation to German TSO’s of our latest advanced Carbon Core Conductors.
The technical context is that during last years, several thousand kms of composite core conductors manufactured by different companies with different technologies have been installed – because they offer several technical advantages – but some accidents occurred around the world.
These problems have created legitimate worries and discussions among utilities, and they started to ask manufacturers new solutions with all advantages of composite materials together with improved reliability, both during production and installation, in line with the high safety standards demanded by advanced Power Grids.

De Angeli Prodotti is at the forefront of this new frontier of a Second Generation of Composite Conductors.
Our company has designed, produced and installed an ACCM conductor (Aluminium Conductor Composite Multistrand) that definitively solve the problems of reliability, through the substitution of the single carbon core rod with a composite 7 wires strand, very flexible and protected with an aluminium tube continuously extruded around it.
It is a very advanced solution which represents a fundamental technological step forward in terms of safety, compared to first generation composite core conductors.
All the tests performed during several years and the installations successfully completed for important European TSO’s highlight the extraordinary reliability of this technology.
On the other hand, for all utilities willing to use conductors with single carbon core strength members, De Angeli Prodotti proposes a conductor named ACCS (Aluminium Conductor Composite Single) with a single carbon rod protected by aluminum tube and a monitoring system capable to detect any damage to the integrity of the carbon core caused during production and/or installation.
The feedback from all EPC’s, utilities and TSO’s in Stuttgart has been positive and shown that the market is ready to go for our new advanced solutions.