Let's take a look to our 2016 budget analysis and its highlights.

This summary article is an opportunity to do a review of a year lived in the name of our corporate values: innovation, quality, team spirit, balance and resilience.
Let’s take a look to our 2016 budget analysis and its highlights.
Research Projects
Best Paths (The largest project funded by the European Community) and CalaJoule (supported by the Ministry of Economic Development) are the flagships of our R & D strategy.

- The annual event in Berlin (guests of 50 Hertz) saw all 47 partners involved in the BEST PATHS project are to review the progress.
De Angeli Prodotti is at the heart of this project, dealing with innovative conductors that will be dedicated to direct current lines that will link two energy conversion stations. - In the category “Government, management and development of the National Electric System“, within the prestigious CalaJoule project, supporting the improvement of Italian Power Grid, De Angeli Prodotti has been awarded with the first place.This project gives high priority to the research for innovative solutions for the reduction of line losses.
New products
Thervest LL, anti-theft cables, CTC with smaller strips, CTC Cu-ETP+ and aluminum. A new portfolio of innovative solutions to enrich the choice of our customers in so many different areas.

- The motor market is increasingly focused on energy efficiency, thanks to the new regulations on the matter, which will bring in the coming years to the redesign of many machines.
Our Thervest LL wire, with its special characteristics, achieves the same performance with less insulation: this means more space for copper and therefore greater efficiency.
- De Angeli Prodotti’s range of products is getting more and more successful in the anti-theft area of the market, looking for creative alternatives to avoid copper robberies.
- De Angeli Prodotti is a leader in innovation in the CTC (Continuously Transposed Cables) market, where two new products have been developed.
- Thanks to a continuous R&D work, De Angeli Prodotti improved its production capability in the field of small cross section flat wire for CTC:
- Further reduction of the electrical losses in power transformers
- Further reduction of the winding dimensions due to better filling factor
- Improved flexibility and easier process by the reduction of the transposition pitch
- Thanks to a continuous R&D work, De Angeli Prodotti improved its production capability in the field of small cross section flat wire for CTC:
- De Angeli Prodotti proposes and patents a new invention dedicated to electrical conductors for CTC.
We have studied and developed the innovative alloy Cu-ETP+, which is proposed as a valid alternative to the copper-silver alloy. - In order to get close to the needs of those customers who want to innovate in an intelligent and sustainable way, De Angeli Prodotti further expands its production capacity on aluminium and copper conductors through its new extrusion and lamination machines, producing a wide range of CTC aluminum and enamelled flat wires of large section.
Products certifications and patents
HTLS ZTACIR Ø 30,00 mm and OPtical Ground Wire (OPGW) Ø 11,50 mm in addition to the vast product portfolio available for the National Electricity Grid.

- Our conductor ZTACIR Ø 30,00 mm, an HTLS (High Thermal Low Sag) conductor is now certified by Terna. With these projects De Angeli Prodotti confirms its leadership in terms of innovation and customer proximity allowing Terna to continue the renewal perspective and reliability of the national grid.
- De Angeli Prodotti enlarge it’s ground wire’s family: the certification process, for Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) Ø 11,50 mm, has been completed.
- The new OPGW cable, contains optical fibers, useful to allow the transmission of data, and keeps monitoring and safeguard the electric line.
Fairs and exhibitions
CWIEME Berlin, Coiltech in Pordenone and Cigré Technical Exhibition of Paris are the main events to present our innovations to the market and meet customers.
- As every year, De Angeli Prodotti was among the exhibitors of CWIEME Berlin in May, the main meeting place in the world of electric motors and transformers, and Coiltech in Pordenone in September, a young fair that is growing exponentially.
- In the area of overhead transmission lines De Angeli Prodotti was in the Cigré Technical Exhibition of Paris, biennial event that is confirmed to be very important to the heritage of business innovation. Paris was the occasion to present cutting-edge products such as conductive carbon fiber multi-strand and the different surface treatments for reducing the corona effect, the increase emissivity and reducing visual impact.

The acquisition of Ezio Selva’s entire plant, new rolling machines and extruders, aluminum enamelling machines and doubling production capacity for fiberglass demonstrate the strategy to strengthen the company for the long term.

- De Angeli Prodotti continues in the direction of quality and innovation for all of its products: our manufacturing plant extends further with the installation of a new high-performance rolling machine, capable of producing flat wires of sperior quality and finish (with a range of semi-finished products with very small dimensions up to 2 mm2).
- De Angeli Prodotti is confirmed once more as strategic supplier of conductors for rotating electrical machines such as generators for wind energy: through our latest investments in new production lines for glass fiber insulated conductors, we doubled our production capacity through the installation of new dedicated machines.
- De Angeli Prodotti announces the acquisition of all the machineries belonging to the Italian winding wires’ manufacturer Ezio Selva. We are proud to give continuity to the industrial Italian excellence that Selva represented through the years, integrating their equipment in our Bagnoli di Sopra plant. This important acquisition is strategical to improve our service level, furtherly expanding our product range.
- Our policy is pushed towards a Lean production system, focused on the theme of efficiency, optimizing production flow, processes, and reducing waste. The company philosophy and mindset focused on continuous improvement brought to invest in a new extrusion plant dedicated to the production of copper and aluminum flat wires.
- The investment which provides the substitution of the vertical enamelling machines (for flat enamelled wire), allows to increase the performance up to 50% with an energy saving up to 50%! This means less emissions and a sustainable growth for our business and our territory.
- De Angeli Prodotti’s new installation is a successful achievement for the production of high quality products, with specific geometric features, according to the market’s requests.
Lean manufacturing
Last but not least the modern organization for the improvement is the basis of our business success.
- De Angeli Prodotti keeps their employees up-to-date with periodical education courses. On February and March, meetings regarding “A3” took place in our company. A3 is a structured problem solving and continuous improvement approach, first employed at Toyota that provides a simple and strict approach systematically leading towards problem solving.